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以贵州省不同年代酿酒用糯高粱品种(系)为研究对象,采用随机区组试验设计,对其农艺性状、产量构成以及抗性差异进行分析,结果表明:随着年代更替,贵州省酿酒用糯高粱单产逐步提高。新品种(红缨子、黔高8号)较老品系(黑壳糯、红壳糯)平均单产增幅25%以上;穗粒数、穗粒重增加显著,增幅分别为51.7%、62.7%;主穗一、二级枝梗数增加幅度分别为19.8%、62.7%;株高降低24.9%,茎粗增加9.5%;节间数增加0.9个,节间长缩短13.3cm;单株叶面积和叶面积指数增加显著;倒伏率、发病率下降显著,成穗率明显提升。各指标相关性分析显示,产量与穗粒数、穗粒重,穗粒数与主穗一、二级枝梗数呈极显著正相关;产量与株高、倒伏率极显著负相关,与茎粗正相关,相关系数分别为-0.981、-0.970和0.928,株高、茎粗与倒伏率相关显著,相关系数分别为0.964和-0.910;产量与叶面积指数正相关,与发病率显著负相关。总的结果表明,主穗一、二级枝梗数的增加提高了糯高粱的穗粒数,植株株高的降低、茎粗的增加促进了抗倒性的提升,抗病性的提升保证了后期叶片光合作用的持续进行,最终提高了糯高粱产量。  相似文献   
A 2-year field study was conducted to determine the effects of different nutrition systems and Salsola kali subsp. tragus densities on industrial hemp yield and its components. Experiments were conducted as a split plot in a randomised complete block design with three replicates. Factors were fertilisation (poultry manure, vermicompost and nitrogen fertiliser) as the main plot and weed density (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 plants/m2) as the subplot. Results indicated that the maximum number of racemes per plant, seeds per raceme, 1000-seed weight, biomass, grain yield and harvest index (HI) of industrial hemp were obtained using vermicompost and were reduced with nitrogen fertiliser application. All measured properties in hemp plants decreased due to increasing S. kali subsp. tragus density, especially at 15 and 20 plants/m2. The most significant reduction in hemp grain yield and its components was observed by increasing weed density with the application of nitrogen fertiliser. The application of vermicompost at high weed densities resulted in greater hemp grain yield and its components compared with nitrogen fertiliser. It is recommended to apply organic fertilisers, especially vermicompost at high S. kali subsp. tragus densities.  相似文献   
为治理农村污染,农业部明确了“一控、两减、三基本”的目标,主要是通过资源化利用的办法从根本上“控制农业用水的总量,减少化肥农药的施用总量,解决畜禽养殖污染、地膜回收和秸秆焚烧等问题”。阐述总结盐城市农作物秸秆能源化、肥料化、基料化、饲料化和工业原料化方面的利用,畜禽水产养殖污染治理和农业投入品等废弃物资源利用的进展,分析目前存在的问题,并提出下一阶段的工作建议。  相似文献   
基于主成分分析的不同茶树品种在湖北地区的适应性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为客观准确地评价19个茶树品种在湖北地区的适应性。本研究以‘福鼎大白茶’(CK)为对照,对19个茶树品种在湖北地区的茶苗成活率、新梢物候期、产量性状、制茶品质和抗逆性等指标进行系统比较分析,并应用主成分分析法对不同茶树品种在湖北地区的适应性进行综合评价。结果表明,在主成分分析时前3个主成分的累积方差贡献率达到76.96%,分别为“产量抗性因子”“物候期因子”“品质因子”;以前3个主成分的线性回归方程和贡献率构建适应性综合评价模型,综合得分超过CK的有10个品种,其中‘茶农98’‘鄂茶12’‘陕茶1号’和‘岚里香’4个品种的综合评价得分明显高于其他品种,为最适宜湖北及相似茶区推广应用品种;综合得分低于CK的有9个品种,其中‘白叶一号’‘中黄1号’‘漕溪1号’和‘鸟王106’4个品种的综合得分明显低于其他品种,为不适宜湖北及相似茶区推广应用品种。  相似文献   
通过田间试验,研究了龙井43、白叶1号品种茶园滴灌施肥对幼龄茶树生长、养分吸收、品质成分等的影响,分析了不同施肥模式下的施肥成本投入情况。结果表明,与常规开沟施肥相比,采用滴灌施肥后,即使在化肥减量25%的情况下,树高、主干直径、树幅都显著增加,修剪物生物量增加明显;茶树对养分的吸收量明显增加,而养分的渗漏损失明显减少,从而提高了养分利用效率。从滴灌施肥的次数上分析,龙井43品种,在试验条件下年施肥次数7次可以达到较好效果,而白叶1号品种,年施14次的效果较好。  相似文献   
为了提高水分和肥料的利用效率,2015~2016年进行了限水条件下施肥方式对产量构成因素影响的试验。结果表明:底施三元素复合肥+春季浇2水(拔节水+开花水)的产量最高;在相同水分或肥力条件下对穗数的影响较小,穗粒数、不孕小穗数随着水肥条件的不同变化较大,说明在小麦生产中水分和养分是制约小麦生产的主要因素。  相似文献   
定量分析夏玉米同一品种产量及产量构成要素时空变化,探讨造成产量时空差异的气候年型组合变化特征。基于2004~2013年夏玉米种植区郑单958多点田间试验数据分析表明,夏玉米区域平均产量为9 055 kg/hm~2,年际差为1 635 kg/hm~2,变幅为18.1%;地点差4 258 kg/hm~2,变幅为47.1%。夏玉米区域平均千粒重为313 g,年际变幅为13.1%;地点变幅为27.8%。夏玉米区域平均穗粒数为479,年际变幅为18.0%,地点变幅为38.7%。千粒重的增加导致夏玉米产量显著增加。穗粒数显著降低和时空差异大是造成产量波动和时空差异变幅大的主要原因。夏玉米产量和产量构成要素,低产点受各气候要素变化的影响显著;平产点受温度和日最高温度大于33℃的天数影响显著;高产点受降水影响显著。  相似文献   
掌握面源污染现状是进行污染防治的前提。本研究概述了渭南市种植业面源污染的现状,指出化肥施用高量低效并存、农药包装物污染、残膜污染持续以及秸秆综合利用衍生问题突出,是当前种植业面源污染亟待解决的问题,然后结合防治难点,从宣传普及、强化监测、健全法规、资金保障以及做好技术研发和推广等角度提出了较系统的防治对策和建议。  相似文献   
为明确不同纤维剥制机械对苎麻纤维产量和品质的影响,以苎麻品种‘中苎3号’为试验材料,研究了3种剥制机械(简易刮麻器、回拉式剥麻机、反拉式剥麻机)对原麻颜色、出麻率、单纤维强力和含胶量的影响。结果表明,不同机械剥制原麻产量与品质存在显著差异。3种机器剥制的原麻颜色均偏黄色,简易刮麻器剥制的麻纤维明度最亮,反拉式剥麻机剥制的原麻红色最深。简易刮麻器剥制麻与回拉式剥麻机剥制麻出麻率无显著差异,显著低于反拉式剥麻机剥制麻,但反拉式剥麻机出麻率较高,原因主要是总胶质含量显著较高(28.21%)。不同剥制机械所获原麻的单纤维强力也存在显著差异,由高到低依次为简易刮麻器>回拉式剥麻机>反拉式剥麻机。综上所述,简易刮麻器剥制原麻质量最好,回拉式剥麻机优于反拉式剥麻机。上述结果为苎麻剥麻机的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Due to land expansion and an increase in productivity, rice production in sub-Saharan Africa has been growing at a rate of 6% in the past decade. Rainfed rice production systems have accounted for a large share of this expansion. In these systems, the potential growing period not only depends on the length of the rainy season and thus water availability, but is often, especially in the highlands of East Africa, bordered by the onset of the cool period of the year, when low minimum temperatures compromise rice yields. The objective of this study was to investigate the yield potential of 30 rice varieties contrasting in crop duration and cold tolerance in the highlands of East Africa, with its limited length of growing period. A field trial was conducted in the cropping seasons in 2016 and 2017 at the Fogera rice research station, Ethiopia. As a function of the onset of rains, rice was sown mid-July in 2016 and early July in 2017. Early sowing in 2017 led to an extended crop duration and significantly lower yields of the short-duration varieties, and to a shortened duration and significantly higher yields of the medium- and long-duration varieties, when compared to late sowing in 2016. Late sowing compromised yield of the medium- and long-duration varieties because of low temperatures during booting stage, which led to high spikelet sterility. Early sowing resulted in low yields of the short-duration varieties, probably due to low solar radiation during the cloudy rainy season, which coincided with the vegetative stage. Therefore, choice of variety should be a function of the variable onset of the rainy season and related sowing date. However, crop models precisely calibrated for potential varieties and the respective environmental conditions could fully support the selection of a suitable variety, depending on the date of sowing, for example with the help of online tools or smartphone applications.  相似文献   
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